I've acquired a publisher for the book! I'm submitting the manuscript this week, along with cover art, etc. I got a lot of great feedback from several friends (THANKS--you know who you are). I hope to have it available within a few weeks--will keep you posted.
On another note, I saw the 20-year reunion of George H.W. Bush's (41) "team" of folks who advised him during the 1st Gulf War. He was asked what he thought about the 2nd Gulf War, with the 4,000+ killled and 32,000 wounded. His response? "I don't worry about it anymore." YGBSM! What an unbelievable thing for a former POTUS to say--he DOESN'T WORRY about a war, or dead soldiers, or wounded warriors. True colors, and from a man who actually served. Un-freakin-believable!
Clearly, he is embarrassed by his son's pathetic lack of leadership and failure to assess the situation. Not to mention lying to the public about WMD as a reason to even go to Iraq. As well he should be.
Short post today--too much PhD homework.
Til next time!
About Me

- Steve Woodsmall
- As the saying goes, “experience is what you get just after you needed it.” I started this blog after writing my book, It Beats Eatin’ Lizards: Lessons Learned in Leadership and Life, in which I share short stories that reflect the lessons in everyday experiences, like the lady who won’t give the governor more than one piece of chicken. The title comes from a lesson learned about the power of perspective: it can always be worse. In 1984, when I complained about a boring lecture in a hot auditorium at Maxwell Air Force Base, my classmate (an Army Green Beret and survival instructor) matter-of-factly informed me that “it beats eatin’ lizards.” I retired from the United States Air Force in January 1994, where I was a commander; management consultant; budget officer; executive officer; curriculum manager; project manager; quality consultant; and quality advisor. Since then, I’ve held various positions in training and communication. I have a master’s degree in business administration and am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in organization & management. I hope to hear from you for any feedback or suggestions you might have!
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