About Me

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As the saying goes, “experience is what you get just after you needed it.” I started this blog after writing my book, It Beats Eatin’ Lizards: Lessons Learned in Leadership and Life, in which I share short stories that reflect the lessons in everyday experiences, like the lady who won’t give the governor more than one piece of chicken. The title comes from a lesson learned about the power of perspective: it can always be worse. In 1984, when I complained about a boring lecture in a hot auditorium at Maxwell Air Force Base, my classmate (an Army Green Beret and survival instructor) matter-of-factly informed me that “it beats eatin’ lizards.” I retired from the United States Air Force in January 1994, where I was a commander; management consultant; budget officer; executive officer; curriculum manager; project manager; quality consultant; and quality advisor. Since then, I’ve held various positions in training and communication. I have a master’s degree in business administration and am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in organization & management. I hope to hear from you for any feedback or suggestions you might have!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

WAKE UP America

I'm getting really tired of all the "talking heads" (mostly on cable) who open their mouth without engaging their brain. The health care issue is probably the most illustrative of that right now, but the tragic shooting in Arizona has drawn many of them to show their ignorance again--I believe they just can't help it. Sad to say, the same is true for most of the folks we elect to Congress.

I just watched the movie "Sicko" by Michael Moore--if you haven't seen it, you must. I saw what Canada, France, and Britain, among others are doing with their health care systems; it is a national embarrassment that we don't come close to the quality and accessibility of those countries. The US ranks THIRTY-SEVENTH in health care (just below Costa Rica). 

I'm all for healthy debate, but there has to be at least SOME critical thinking to go along with it. Our two-party political system has become nothing more than federally-subsidized cat-fighting. The priorities are reversed. The main goal is to make the "other side" look bad, or by default make "our side" look good. This in order to get re-elected to do nothing more than the same. What's best for the United States isn't even on the list of considerations. If our political system isn't a case study for campaign finance reform, there isn't one. 

How many of you really believe major donors don't buy votes? They spin it into "gaining access through campaign contributions." Do they really think we're that stupid? YES! Because we are. We let them do it to us.

If you watch Bing Bang Theory on CBS, you'll remember this physics definition:

Leonard: Well, let me see if I can explain your situation using physics. What would you be if you were attached to another object by an incline plane, wrapped helicly around an axis?
Sheldon: Screwed.
Leonard: There you go.

In Sicko, a former British parliament member is interviewed and says something that really hits home. In France, the UK, and Canada, the government is afraid of the people. In the US, the people are afraid of the government. 

My question for you is, "What are YOU going to do about it?"

Think about that--more later.



  1. Very interesting Steve and I do understand what you are saying I get so pissed off about the government I have ground my teeth down to nothing. I would love to see the "people" get more involved. I hate Obamacare I believe we needed reform in health care but what we got is all wrong I believe it was forced down our throats and would love to see it repealed and the right thing done. I try to be involved as much as possible being a conservative independent I try to support things I believe in NRA, the Tea Party to name a couple. I would also love to read your book if you have a copy I get buy let me know and I'll send you my address.

  2. Woody,

    We don't need health care reform nearly as much as we need tort reform. If we can get control of the latter, we'll be in control of the former. This is where you throw in your favorite lawyer joke...
